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Welcome to OpenTacos

Welcome to OpenTacos! 🥳🥳🥳

If you're here we assume you've already visited the site and had a chance to click around, and are here to get help on using one of the tools bundled in OpenTacos

What is OpenTacos​

OpenTacos is our mystically-named website that provides users with a way to work with the climbing dataset in their day to day climbing adventures.

While the history of the name may be a little hazy, the purpose of the site is clearly defined. A platform and tool-set that reduces friction as much as possible for users who are minded to help maintain the OpenBeta climbing data.

Home Page​


The home page of OpenTacos is a dynamic place, and will be changing constantly over the next few development cycles (If you want to be a part of shaping it, visit our github).

Don't let this scare you! The home page will always put you a few clicks from maps, recent posts, and recent edit history.

Climb Page​

Climbing Page screenshot

The climb page documents all-things climbing. This is where you can see all images tagged with a climb, as well as all recorded beta.


Ticks allow users to log and track the climbs that they have completed. Ticks serve a number of practical purposes (See more about ticks here)

How to import ticks from Mountain Project​

Crag / Boulder Page​

Area Page​

area page

The area page allows you to browse the climb/crag heirarchy and see where data has been sorted. Areas also collate media from their children, which can be useful while navigating or sizing up a crag or boulder.


If you are logged in to OpenTacos, you will see a profile button in the top right. This is where you will manage things related to your profile (click here to see more about the profile page)

Create an Account​

In order to make data contributions to OpenBeta, users are required to be authenticated. All you need is an email address, and you can get going! 📭

Go to the home page and click the become a contributor button in the top right corner.

sign in button


Maps are a critical and currently growing part of the OpenBeta service offering. Whether you're navigating or simple exploring an area, maps are an invaluable part of the process.

OpenBeta makes use of a heatmap to express climb density, with hotspots representing areas that have a high density of climbs (as can be seen in the below image)


How can I contribute to OpenTacos​

"Contributors" on OpenTacos are the people who help to maintain and grow the OpenBeta dataset. To join this effort all you need is an account

There are a number of ways you can join the effort, some of them are listed below.

Become a Contributor​

Even if all you do is upload some photos and correct some spelling, being a contributor on OpenTacos will improve the dataset for future climbers.

Join the Team​

If you want, you can go beyond working with the tools provided by OpenTacos. This could be to work on the tools themselves or to assist the developers that are.

The OpenBeta team usually communicate on discord and catalogue issues with GitHub

Become a Developer​

Follow the onboarding process and start contributing code to the OpenTacos project! 🖥

Contribute in other parts of development​

If you are not a developer - but still want to assist with development - fear not! You could become a sponsor, but you needn't stop there. Our developers often need help finding and reporting bugs, you can report bugs either as an issue on the repository or by reporting it in the discord server.

We look forward to working with you!